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Dr. Wayne N. Mathis 
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution - U.S.A.


For over 40 years, Dr. Mathis has focused on the systematics and evolution of higher Diptera (true flies), especially families in the Ephydroidea and Opomyzoidea. His research primarily employs the methodology of cladistic analysis to unravel, reconstruct, and document phylogenetic relationships and how these relationships impinge on historical biogeography. The phylogenetic investigations and analyses run the gamut from species-level revisions to basal lineages of superfamilies. Documentation includes comprehensive systematics studies at all levels of the classification, faunistic studies, catalogs and conspectuses. Although his comprehensive studies are global, he has focused field work in the neotropics, especially the Caribbean, and on islands, such as Sri Lanka, the Seychelles, New Zealand, and the barrier islands of Belize.

Dr. Mirian Nunes Morales
Universidade Federal de Lavras 
Lavras - BR


Dr. Morales has experience in Zoology with emphasis in Biology and Taxonomy of Recent groups, conducting research primarily in systematic and bionomics of Syrphidae (Insecta, Diptera). She has worked on Scientific Illustration as an illustrator and also teaching. He is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow (PNPD - CAPES) Program Graduate in Entomology, Federal University of Lavras.









Dr. Marcela Laura Monné Freire
Museu Nacional
Rio de Janeiro - BR


Dr Monné is graduated in Biological Sciences from University Saint Ursula (1994), Masters in Biological Sciences (Entomology) at the Federal University of Paranå (1999), PhD in Biological Sciences (Entomology) at the Federal University of Paranå (2003) and post-doctoral studies at the University of São Paulo (USP) (2006). She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Entomology at the National Museum - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and editor area in the Brazilian Journal of Entomology. She has experience in Zoology with emphasis on Insecta, acting on the following subjects: Systematics, Phylogeny, biogeography and biology of Coleoptera.

Dr. Allen Norrbom 
United States Department of Agriculture - U.S.A.


Dr. Norrbom is currently reseacher at National Museum of Natural History working mainly on taxonomy of Tephritidae and Sphaeroceridae (Copromyzinae).   He collects and identifies flies of other families including families in Diopsoidea, Lauxanioidea, Nerioidea, and Tephritoidea and the families Acartophthalmidae, Australimyzidae, Chyromyidae, Clusiidae, Cryptochaetidae, Ropalomeridae and Sepsidae.

Dr. Rosaly Ale Rocha 
Instituto de Pesquisas da AmazĂŽnia
Manaus - BR
She has a degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Amazonas (1983), Masters in Biological Sciences (Entomology) at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (1991) and PhD in Biological Sciences (Entomology) at the Federal University of ParanĂĄ (1998), post- doctorate at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, USA. Currently he is Head Researcher III of the National Institute for Amazon Research. Has experience in Zoology with emphasis on Taxonomy of Recent groups, acting on the following topics: Diptera, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Amazon, Hybotidae, Ropalomeridae, Pipunculidae, Periscelididae, Ephydridae.
Dr. F. Christian Thompson
United States Department of Agriculture - U.S.A.



For the past 50 years the systematics and zoogeography of flower flies have been Dr. ThompsonÂŽs research focus. Flower flies are critical as pollinators, predators of plant pests and re-cyclers of environmental wastes. 

His current research projects include: Flower flies of Costa Rica, Chile (& Patagonia) and New Zealand; Nearctic flower flies; and Genera of flower flies.

He has also served for more than 10 years on the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature and on the editorial committee for the current edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, and thus can provide advice on all matters of zoological nomenclature.

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